In writing, I often compare a good transition to a shift in color, a blending from one point to the next, so subtle and inperceptable that we don't realize we're heading somewhere new until we're there.
But it begs the question of "the line," the moment or shift where point A becomes point B. This must happen, right? Where one idea or state ceases to exist at all.
This poem began just thinking of the phrase "the spaces inbetween" and what that really means, and it took a turn from there. When might we wonder about that point or moment in an otherwise imperceptable transition?
The picture I found afterwards, but I like the sentiment here. The space between never and again can mean a lot of things, but its that ineffable shift from one opposing state to another.
Photo by Akuma Aizawa |
NAPoWriMo24 1:
"The Space Where"
Have you thought about transitions
the awkwardness of passing through
blending dissolutions slipping forward
but also steps back, too
fickle as the Spring
Have you thought about the in between
the spaces there
the gaps in our intentions
the emptiness connecting all the lines
how the horizon never really touches sky
I linger on the middling
somewhere between start and end
wondering the moment
the gap or step or fickle shift
where I stopped loving you
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