NaPoWriMo22: April & Tacos

 I've been writing my NaPoWriMo poems on Twitter, largely because I have it on my phone and the restricted character count and instant nature of it feels less intimidating. But, I plan to repost them all here. All, I've totaled 3 and April's end is a mere week away. 

As always it's going both trudgedly slow and confusingly quickly, and once I'm out of the mountain of grading... I'll be welcoming late spring and early summer with open arms. 

Til then of course. 

Poem 2:

Unsplash/ Michael Podger


April is a Poem. 

promising flowers for sustaining the rain 

promising warmth for withstanding one final frost

 its twilight shrinking toward pink 

its days creeping toward summer 


all bare skin cut grass kisses

 and April 

a perpetual longing 


with color

Poem 3:

 Writing a Twitter poem at a Taco Bar

The air sot thick with spice
it's an appetizer
The bartenders running
Patrons humming
Stomach rumbling
While I'm Tip tip tapping
and the Tacos are coming

