NaPoWriMo20: Poem 10 Another Book Spine Poem

Every year I try to do a poem based mostly around the books on my shelf to my right. So here we are, Another Book Spine Poem...  with a few added words to links some ideas. I need more titles with verbs in them it would seem.

NaPoWriMo 10

"Everything's Eventual, Even the End"

Everything's Eventual
The Political Future...
Endless Love...
The Audacity of Hope...

but This Is How/ You Lost Me
There/ In A Town Called Mundomuerto
in the Twilight
Everything Was Fine Until Whatever
when I learned you were
The Duke of Deception

a Sugarless/ Mocking Jay

nothing more than Nocturnes
in a Fun Home/ Being Human

Under The Influence you convinced me
the Cats were just
Saving Fish From Drowning
In The Shadow of the Master

and that I was guilty of
Theft By Finding

Everything's Eventual
A Hundred Years of Solitude
and even learning
How Not To Fall Apart

Book Spines and Straight Lines | My submission for an assign… | Flickr
