NaPoWriMo19 Poem 1: "The Dance of Time Management"

A quick poem so I don't fall too terribly behind. More explanations to follow at a later time.
Of course it is about time because it is me, and as always, here's the first draft fresh from my fingers.

NaPoWriMo Poem 1

"The Dance of Time Management"

The music started
before I could walk
and the dance
was learned in haste

with trips and dips
my adversary
tightly clutching my waist

It's a brutal tumbling waltz
that takes bastardized cues
from tango

I'm seldom keeping
with my lead
far more advanced
than me

but for a few random beats
 our feet pulse in tune
and our bodies glide
as though we're one

fooling me into
forgetting I can never
truly keep time
because time has me
