Finally, Truly Goodbye to NaPoWriMo

Okay, everyone is asleep except the crazy dog who keeps barking at nothing outside.

Let's do this.

Six poem sprint to finish my 30 for April only 8 days late. :D Had I done more sprints like these, then I wouldn't have been late at all!

Start time: 10:33 PM EDT

Poem 25

"A Dog to its Master"

I've got to tell you
how much I love you
how much I missed you
how cute you are
Can anyone love you
as purely as I?

I love you with my every fiber
shaking from ears to tail
Is it any wonder I jump when I see you
coming running as fast as I'm able
And learn not to because it makes you mad?

Is it any wonder I'd do anything to protect you
To scare off any threat
just in case
those squirrels are shifty
you don't know them like I do
I swear

Sometimes I wonder
if you'll ever love me like I love you

Poem 26

"Breakfast Slam"

Cheerio, Cheez-it
Capn' Crunch
Capn' not Captain
Nut Honey Nut
Triscuit Triscuit
Golden Grahmn

Poem 27


Phase 1
Running away with a giggle
perfecting the you-won't-diaper-me-wriggle

Phase 2
dropping to the ground
screaming, crying, becoming limp
summoning gravity within in your belly
refusing to put on your own shoes
to eat that green stuff
or share your toys

Phase 3
No, no, no, no, no, no
no and furthermore
I don't wanna

Phase 4
I've been studying the elegant art of negotiation
where in I fake giving something up
so that you feel you've won something
but this was my plan all along
and furthermore
if you say no I hate you

Phase 5
I've learned the art of why
Why invites you to expose your error
the flaw in your logic
your hypocrisy 
Why gives me footing
to scale your sanity

Phase 6
The art of timing
of picking my battles
knowing when my enemy is too powerful
knowing the thing I need the most
sacrifices have been made

Phase 7
Fuck you
Fuck you and your power
and your lack of reason
Fuck your assumed control over my mind, body, life, soul
I'm stealing this stapler

Phase 8
Back to paper and glue
permanent markers for impermanent signs
holding hands
fist pumping

Phase 9
I've carved my way through the stone
weathered the earth
I say when I'm done
I say when I go
No good byes unwanted

Phase 10
The body does not decay on its own
bugs, earth, soil, wind, moisture, time
work it down
the bones remain for years

Poem 28

"The Moth"

A moth fluttered
looped a jagged circle
bounced against the air
flapped its delicate wings
shook in the current of the night
danced its off beat, solo conga
bobbed between its wings
flew, nothing like a bird
hopped like it was missing a shoe
frantically flittering
fluently fluttering
it flew like a moth

Poem 29

"The End?"

If endings are naught
but tears and goodbyes
lights out and souls out
then why do they haunt our minds?
It'd seem we should be too busy
drowning in the immensity
of midways
and being ever uplifted
by potential wielding

Poem 30

"Stopping Time"

And so has come the stopping time
when all the clocks must unwind
the ideas must halt
the brains become clear
and we chase away
any muse still whispering
in our ear

End time: 11:04 PM EDT

And that's 30 poems. 
