Wild Animals - NaPoWriMo 4

Unless we count the little rhyme on my son's birthday party invite yesterday, (G---'s day is here! Let's celebrate two years, with two beasts. Join us for a Shark and Dinosaur Feast!) counts, I didn't write a poem yesterday.

So I'm now 3 behind, so let's see what I can think up while dinner's on the stove.

The following is inspired by the calendar on my kitchen wall. I had to stop to finish dinner and finish after dinner.

NaPoWriMo Poem 4

"Wild Animals"

We pile them on posters
pick our favorite for each month
Use them as endearments
They're stuffed and cute-a-fied
sewn into backpacks
crystallized, potteredized,
painted on canvas

They're our spirits
our analogies
and metaphor
our mascot and
our most favorite of memes
Clothing copies their stripes
and spots and claws and eyes

But the real ones stalk
in cages
or are mounted
as a prize
They're starving
and endangerized
