Making a poem from Book Titles - NaPoWritMo Poem 10

I didn't know what to write, but knew I didn't want to fall further behind. In a previous NaPoWriMo, I made a poem using titles from my bookshelf. So, having nothing else to go on, I did that again. 

This time I used them to tell an unrelated poem. It doesn't represent the physical bookshelf in anyway. I highlighted the titles so you could see. The one I altered slightly to fit the poem is in orange, but the rest I was able to leave unaltered. 

This was rather enjoyable. 

 NaPoWriMo 10 

"You're the Reason"

Endless love and
the divinity of doubt
are nothing but
daily brain games
At least for you

You're the biggest
Monster of Templeton
the reason why wayside school
gets a little stranger
You're the crack in the line
the wolfman

You make me feel
strutting around
as if you're
Jesus's son
and you know
all that's true. 

Even I fell for it
at first
following you around
in some kind of delirium
as if every line you spoke
was a heartbreaking work
of staggering genius
But I should have been
checking your grammar

Should have realized
you were merely
saving fish from drowning
and I was just another one
of your uncommon pet tales
The blue fox
you tried to turn red

You're the reason
I know the pleasures
of the damned
The reason I
recognized my
horizontal life
The reason why
soon, I will be
