NPMC17: Seize the day or else

Another National Poetry Month Challenge has come and gone, and I did make it just past half way this time before the 30th rolled in, but a rush of activity, travel, deadlines, and illness kept me from typing up poems. My head was in the right space, but finding a justified hour to sit and write often wasn't plausible.

I intend to make up for it though. I'm giving myself until May 15th to complete my 30 promised poems. I'd make it shorter, but with final grading still to go . . . yeah, we'll say the 15th.

Today midst the haste of end of semester grading, I took a moment to enjoy an icecream treat outside, alone, in the breeze, on a nearly empty campus. So in light of that, I'll assign myself a Carpe Diem to write before I return to grading. (Carpe Diem poems are themed around seizing the day or moment.)

Here goes . . .

NPMC Poem 17

"Give in"

Impulsivity can be an issue
for those who can't tell themselves no
but it can also be an issue
for those who can't tell themselves yes

who can't curb their shoes
to run through the grass
nor spread their arms in the wind
who eat cheesecake too fast
and can't see trees for their leaves

They let the world turn and turn
spinning out of sight
afraid to let go of their focus
frightened of freedom
terrified of indulgence
that one wrong step
will make their careful life tumble

when in fact

it may be the only thing left
that can save them.

Carpe diem
Latin expression that means 'seize the day.' Carpe diem poems have a theme of living for today
