Say No to Abortion Memes

I've seen abortion memes from both sides more than normal this week, and my best advice to both sides is to stop. This is a subject that simply cannot be elaborated on, explained, or epiphany induced in a meme. Further, until people are willing to discuss the real issues with abortion, it is pointless anyway.

Before I get into that though, it is worth noting that no matter what side of the aisle you're on, our efforts would be better spent, coming together putting time and money into preventing situations that lead women to abortion even being a consideration. But since that isn't going to happen any time soon, let's at least be clear about what we're arguing about.

Real Causes of Abortion Disagreements:

1. No one wants to kill babies. The disagreement stems from this: when does an embryo become a fetus become a baby/person? If you believe the second the sperm enters the egg this is a baby (before it has even dropped or entered the uterus) by virtue of its very potential to be, then there is an immediate issue of conflict because from start to finish you're arguing about 2 lives, not 1. For you, abortion is ALWAYS a fight between two lives: A woman, and a baby. However, if you believe a fetus is not a baby until it has a brain/heart/nerves then there is a window in which you are not dealing with a person, but the material of which to make one. Like planting a seed, then deciding to dig the seed up because it isn't the right time of year for tomatoes. If the seed hasn't sprouted, you're not killing a plant, verses if it has sprouted then you are. If this is your stance, for a window of time, what abortion means is a woman deciding whether or not she should allow her body to become a host/creating another person. This means for a certain time period ONLY, you feel abortion is about the right to decide if you want to create life or host life. Generally, "for" abortion people have a cutoff for purely electoral abortions based on when they think the material becomes a baby. (And generally most women don't intend to use it as late birth control either.) Again: No one wants to kill babies. There is just scientific or moral disagreement of when we are dealing with a baby or just genetic material.

2. When we discuss reason to 'allow' for abortions, everyone fixates on rape. Which is a whole other can of worms and would still deal with early abortions. No one really wants to talk about the most common reasons allowances likely need to be made for abortions, particularly later abortions, because they are too painful. Simply, everyone, but mostly laws, likes to forgot the very unfortunate, rare, complex situations where following through with the pregnancy will result in death of the infant and mother, OR more likely the case, situations such as the infant is suffering seizures or heart attacks continuously and is in stress and pain inside the womb and will die upon birth. OR has no skull, and will die upon birth. In these circumstances, the parents are put in terrible positions that no one ever wants to be in, but abortion crusaders on both sides forget about them, and the laws throw these already suffering families under the bus in more ways than one. These again rare and complex situations make up nearly all of late term abortions, and are decisions that are likely best left up to the family and their trained medical professionals, not a law maker with a pen and general idea what that might be like. In this sense, abortion can never be 100% illegal without creating situations that I don't think either side wants to. Despite this, their numbers are used to reflect a "moral depravity" to argue against abortion (as if they wanted to kill their babies due to preference alone), or as a vague reference as a need to keep the door open for those who need to make that "choice" as if that is any kind of choice to have. Either way, It's cruel. The sooner we can stop fighting about it, the better for them.
3. Finally, no matter what side of the abortion stance you are on, you do not want to overturn Rove v. Wade. The "My Body" arguments get murky here. Usually when people talk about banning abortion they talk about also repealing the Roe. v. Wade decision. It is commonly thought that case was just about abortion, but what it actually did was make it not legal for a husband to decide medical decisions for his wife without consent (it used to be that getting married meant those decisions were for your husband to make, not for you, and this was an allowable law.) This of course effects abortion laws, but the ruling is not actually about abortion specifically. People on both sides muddle this up.

All the memes do is champion positions and statements that waterdown the issues and either demoralize or idiotize the other side.

So anyway, I couldn't even explain why your meme's are useless shorter than this, so your meme isn't going to do anything better.

 Just saying.
