NPMC2015 Poem 20: Try to Turn that Weighty Page

Sitting up on the 5th floor, I can see a wide spread of beach, and there are so many different types of people here, of all weights and shapes and colors, and from a distance, there is beauty in all of them.

NPMC 2015 Poem 21
"Try to Turn that Weighty Page"

Up close we all scrutinize
and worry
over every dimple and lump

cellulite they call it
a little bit extra
more than we wanted
more than we can hide

how terrible it looks
how awful it feels
unsmooth and

we lean into the mirror
and imagine ourselves glossy
like the cover of a magazine
perfectly thin

If we'd only step back
then step back some more
and try to gleen the bigger picture
of our bigger-ness

we'd see something remarkable
and smooth and round
and different that expected
just as worthy of our gaze

the beauty of the human form
in all its size and shape and weight
rolling down our bones
giving story to our gait

Why be one of a million
 printed copies
when we can be one of one
 home crafted
