NPMC2013: 11- Whoosh

The best I've done with keeping on day to day was the first year I did the challenge to myself and anyone else reading the blog, and even then, I didn't stay day to day.

Regardless, this forcing of the writing, so to speak, is good for me.

You think being pregnant I would have written a TON of things, but I didn't. Last semester was just insane -- with the classes, committees, the maid of honoring, and the house buying. I should have plenty of fuel this Spring, but I'm still in the aftershock of it all somehow.

Of course, I haven't had any time for personal reading either. And that takes its toll too. 

11: Whoosh

I used to wonder
how things slipped by
how anyone could go weeks
without turning in an RSVP
responding to a survey
paying a bill
fixing an essential piece of a vehicle
leaving the house

but it is quite easy to go months
without doing any of those things
without calling a friend
cooking a favorite meal
taking a walk

So many other things
cloud our sight
and we can always do it

and so it is that years
can even go by
without nourishing
the soul
