Deciding to Know Sex: Success.

A few weeks ago, I was debating the big decision of whether or not find out the sex of my baby. At the time it seemed so important and stressful, and I weighed the odds as much as I could.

Then we found out, and I wondered whether or not to share. My husband felt that if we knew, then everyone should know, or what was the point really?  So, since I wanted to do something cute before he went and told everyone, I quickly pieced together a cute little gender reveal using dumbo.

Now that some time has passed, I have to say that I very happy with my decision to find out and to share the information.

I feel like I can connect with my child more this way. I know that his sex does not determine who he is as a person, but it gives me a better view of him. It's on par to seeing someone out the window or hearing bits and pieces about someone before actually meeting them. I know he is a boy. I'm mostly certain now what his name will be. I know when he is most active and things that he reacts to.

In short, I can focus on trying to learn the facts about him instead of spending my time wondering and guessing and day dreaming about who is in my belly. Sure, I still perhaps day dream or guess, but I'm more focused, and some how, knowing his sex makes him more real and keeps me from getting too carried away in my day dreams. It keeps me grounded. I don't find the need to invent a personality for him as I surely would if left to fester in the arms of curiosity over my tummy resident. I had already started down the path of such delusions shortly before finding out and can only imagine where I'd be now. Knowing he is there and he is a he keeps me from trying to impose.

Perhaps that makes it simply the right choice for me, not the right choice for absolutely everyone, and I'm ok with that. Ultimately I learned you have to do what is right for you, all those other factors aside.

The bonus of sharing the information is that I get to share it over and over again, both with friends and strangers. Not everyone saw the youtube video or my facebook posts, and getting to hear everyone's reactions multiple times is rather fun. On the day of, I'd hear a chorus of applause and then information would spread like wild fire, everyone knowing before I was out of the hospital to tell them. But people seem less willing to share when he's still in there, and that meas I get to be the bearer of fun news over and over again.

Plus the video was fun.

Also, I should probably note that I found out that my husband really was hoping for a girl. This gives him time to adjust or at least not further build up his hope, and prevents us from making any "just in case" purchases of cute little dresses and shoes that we were already almost doing the week we found out. I know he'll love his son just as much as he would love a daughter, but it is a factor to consider.

I am satisfied. Now, my only waiting and worry is making it to March. I can't wait to meet the little guy and learn even more about him.
