NPM2012: Colors, Waiting, & Flags

This have been a little crazy in terms of what I've been able to get done around here, so anyway, my poetry writing is rather behind. But I'll try to catch up as quick as I can.
NPM: 5
Colors Play the Quiet Game

when the clouds roll in
all of the colors go mute
the yellows, and reds, and golds
fill their mouths with cotton
it is such a restraint
the greens
never really understanding the quiet game
reduce themselves to a low hum
and ignore the dirty looks from their fellow hues
blues are the best at this game
they even practice when they don't need to
so when the time comes
because there is no sun
they nearly disappear

NPM: 6

The Manner of Waiting

I have never been good at waiting
at least that's what I'm told

But why only sit and stare and think and wait and breathe
when there's a book flirting with me
or an Angry Bird waiting to be thrown

Five minutes to wait
is five minutes to enjoy
to work something in
to take pleasure out of the busy
to jot a poem
or call a friend

I'm told this makes me unready
that I'm easily distracted
from the necessary task
of waiting to jump on command

some even find it rude
like its not important to me
if I don't just sit and think
when, when, when

NPM: 7

On Flags

I wonder if the flags prefer to dance or sleep
to wave their bodies mightily
or cling in slumber to their poles
