NPM2012: Drunk & Lonely

I'm nearly a week behind in my poetry; got a lot of catching up to do. I've been spending most of my time trying to find summer employment. Caricatures isn't likely going to cut it this year, which is kind of sad. But life goes on.

Poem 8 was inspired by a recent drunk dial. Poem 9 by an article I read in The Atlantic about the increasing feeling of loneliness in our society that I read this afternoon.

NPM2012 8:

Drunk teeext

It started with a text
a misplaced vowel
what makes I think that
I not U
Then to make up
every other text had too many
I was just trying to decide
if I preferred this to the old fashioned
drunk ring ring ring
when there you were
face flashing on my screen
you called me a bitch and whore
in the most enduring of ways
and promised to see me soon
love and kisses
you'd better go before you say something bad
and then it was over
as quickly as it came
and while the call only remains in memory
your texts will always stay

NPM 9:

Friend Me

They say Facebook is making us lonely
that we're drowning in a sea of likes
That it's quality not quantity
that fends off loneliness
We lack confidants
the research is clear
the 50 foot tall woman discovered
mummified in her bed
no one knows how many weeks it took
to find out she was dead
her final phone call?
to a long ago fan
found online
It's like a never ending party
this social network
and you know every goer
and though they all know you
not a one says hello
or asks you to dance
In a world of ever growing connectivity
we are disconnected
