NPM Poems 3-4 Rain and Adam

In honor of my National Poetry Month Challenge and because I am still trying to catch up to the 5th, here are two more poems.

The first is quite simple. The other is about Adam Robinson. He was supposed to come and read to my class, but because of travel issues, was unable. They had already read some of his work, so we spent the day discussing him and I read them some of his poems straight from his two books. But I'm not Adam and there' s no way I can do that correctly. I mean in the Adam way. So the second poem is about that. A message or tribute to Adam and his types of poems. Spur of the moment and unrevised, I'm not sure if I captured what I wanted, but there it is. If you don't get it, you've probably never read a poem by Adam. Of course, it is a simple imitation. So there is that.

3. "Change of Clothes"

The rain stole my skirt
before it even touched my legs
Sixty-three and sunny
no more

4. To Adam Robinson Regarding Adam Robison

So I read these poems
to my students
To my students I read these poems
But I couldn't sound like you, you know?
Hey, what's that word there
Why'd he use that
Did all those lines sound like questions

like questions?
Were there question marks after all those lines
No-- I did it again
I read you like me. Like me not you
and I don't read so good
What is Liberation Theology and did he want to have s e x with all those people ironically or sarcastically. What is a juggernaut anyway.
Did you know they looked up the word

Like Billy, Like Billy Collins
You know that cool dude who asked them to water ski on words?
yeah, like he asked them not to
they tied your poems to chairs
intent on torturing them
Where there drugs involved
Hey-- long pause

Hey, let's watch Adam eat eggs and salsa and sing "Desperado"
He shaved his beard recently you know

Ok, let's watch that again

Why don't they get that's there's no getting you without you?
You are you after all
You are Adam, stuck in travel
You are Adam who surprises them with eeka eeka cool
You have lots of words
So many, many words
and you set them up on blind dates and scatter them throughout your poems
But there are no words for you

Hey-- this one guy got you or something
He compared you to someone
He liked you having s e x with all those people
figuratively and not at all
He said you got it
you got it cause you got the world
got it
ugly and beautiful
got it?
I liked that

Later I found they found you funny
Later in their journals, you know?
Later when no one was looking
Hey, you. They wrote about you.
Hey, a student wrote a paper on you and it was quite nice.
I was surprised how immutable their minds were on form
But that was back in class, before we watched you eat eggs and salsa
Before we watched you sing
