NPM 8-9 "I shan't Compare Thee" & "Duped"

As always here's a link to the original challenge: here.

So I did kind of think of a poem yesterday, but I had such a headache I was kind of useless the rest of the evening when I got home. I think I may have to accept just writing a poem for everyday instead of writing one each day. As long as when the end of April comes I have 30, I'll be good.

I'm not sure I like any of my poem titles, and I really think I should go back and change the last line of "Cleared Out" to "emptier than a poem/ inspired by nothing." But such is that and I can always change them later.

These two poems are a bit odd and I fear they sound more cynical than I intended them to be. The first is kind of a love anti-love poem if that makes any sense. I guess I was thinking of the Shakespearean sonnets "Shall I Compare thee to a Summer's Day" and "My Mistress Eyes are Nothing Like the Sun." The second poem occurred to me on the way home. I think these both need work, but the challenge is to just get them out, so there they are.

"I Shan't Compare Thee"

I don't need
a poem
to seduce you
You don't need
to compare
your eyes
to a burning
ball in the sky
nor your skin
to the feathers
of a cooing dove
No sonnet
No rhyme
No words
can make you
any more mine


I used to think of age
as though it were a glove
another layer you put on
Maturity seemed as avoidable
as a large rock in the road
I could climb it, go around
but never did I have to succumb

But now I know that neither is true
They aren't things you slide on
They aren't things you see coming
They were already there
not outside, but in
like time release pill capsules
someone slipped in your milk
when you were still so young and trusting
and willing to accept anything they gave you
