NPM 13-15 Toothpaste, Words, Traffic

I want to apologize in advance for the long post. I'm not as behind on the challenge as it looks. I managed to get poems out yesterday, but literally before bed time. In fact, one I finished this morning.

So I'll be posting 3 today since I didn't get to post the two from yesterday (since I was one behind), but this catches me up.

Speaking of, can you believe April is already half over?

And I may have already mentioned this, but Meredith Purvis is having a Poetry from Nothing contest. There are even prizes! If you have been working on poems, but haven't been sharing them, this would be a good chance to share one. You can even do it anonymously. Here's the link: Poetry out of Nothing

Well, back to my own personal challenge:

The first one here is perhaps a little silly, but I had to write about something.

13."The Secret Life of Toiletries"

How is the society
of the bathroom cabinet
when more than one brand
of toothpaste
rest side by side?

Is the first happy to have a friend
who finally understands
and can join in the lament about the self-important
floss who won't stop boasting
of his superior cleaning duties

Or are they instant rivals
causing such tension
even cue tips begin to fear
they're next for replacement

Does the second say,
"It's ok. You did good. But it's my turn now"
Or ignore with cold silence
the half empty tube
which was already feeling pressed
used and unwanted

Stiff in place they can neither
clash nor embrace
and so remains the mystery
of the secret lives
of toiletries.

-The following poem isn't quite where I would have liked it to be. I wanted to have something fun with words.-

14. "More Words"

We need more words like
Never should have died

We need more words
like pluck, plump, and pickle
pester and purr
We need more purr
to purr more
to purr longer
to purr louder

Words should slip through our lips
making them wonder
Vowels should have love affairs
with our tongues
Our throats should emit
a voluptuous rumble

We need more words
words that we hear with our bodies
words that need no meaning
only sound

Slick, rush, dangle
Get on the onomatopoeia-bus
of pleasure
rip, tap, hush

We need more words
More words for describing words
daring, flashy, heavy
More words for describing us
silent, passionate, loud
More words to use
when language fails
and nothing's left
but sound

-And finally here is the poem I wrote today. This actually happened today because of 2 accidents on 695. I think only in Baltimore a traffic jam would extend to the SHOULDER, but what do I know.

"Justice Moves"

Average Speed:
Miles of cars
inch by inch
Breaking free:
no one
But wait, there
on the shoulder
on the gaddamned shoulder
there they go
not one, not two, not three
At least six
there they go
whizzing by
on the shoulder
the goddamned shoulder
They better not let them in
They better not let them in up there
I'm not going to let them in
Not in front of me
But wait, there
another one
with lights
Police lights
And as the red sports car asshole in front of me
considers joining the fun
Police sirens
Shoulder passers try
try to weasel back in
But too late
There are lights
and sirens
