Here and There

So all last night it seemed like I had a billion things to blog about, but I couldn't get online. Now I have internet and time, but can't remember what is was I so wanted to say- only tidbits.

So here they are:

I'm not used to rejection academically speaking. Not getting into grad school last year really was a blow. I think I got more verbally upset about the B+ I earned in one of my last classes though... what does that mean?

Of all the weight lose common sense things I'm supposed to have learned, learning that food does not equal love or celebration has been the hardest. I still reap probably way too much enjoyment out of a good piece of cheese cake, but more importantly, it is very difficult for me to imagine any kind of party or celebration without there being food there- preferably something sweet or fried. What gives?

Secrets are so hard to keep. Keeping them is a skill I have had to learn. Though my absolute need to share information does perhaps come in handy given my chosen professions. This doesn't mean I can't be trusted with your secrets. Like I said, I've learned. But perhaps this is why I have a superstition about things going better if I don't talk about them...

I like my office. I love my husband, but it is nice to have a spot that is mostly just for me.

Why do my best writing ideas come to me in the middle of the night? It all seems so simple then. It comes out smooth, an inner voice inside me just takes control and wahlah, there it is. Is it the sort of sensory deprivation of the night? Is it because I trained myself to do this by making up stories as I tried to fall asleep when I was younger? Too bad my schedule doesn't allow for more late nights.
