Trick And Treat

I got a sudden craving for Halloween the other day. I was just walking along and then boom! I wanted to be immersed in all things Halloweeny.

I long for a quietly sunny fall day where I can walk down a road full of orange, red, yellow leaves and look up into the bare twisted branches of trees. A day that will fade into a clear blue night, where everything becomes nothing more than a shadowy outline and nothing shines brighter than a large yellow moon.

There is something delightfully twisted about the two faces of Halloween.

There is so much excitement to the daytime of it. Bright colors and the laughter of children occasionally puncturing the scene. Candy and pumpkins and piles of leaves. Excitement bursting at the seams. The day not quite put on hold like it is for other holidays.

And then the night. Everyone out to be spooky. You want a night that is clear, crisp. A bright night sky so that the shadows really pop. Erie. No more silent than the day, but you're just listening better. The excitement is hidden away in apartment filled with people partying loud or little groups of people moving down the street to a particularly festive block.

Maybe this is why I've always loved Halloween so much. It kind of is like two different days in one. One for fun and light festivities. And one for spooky, scare the pants off ya wanderings. It's the light and the dark in the world brought together on one day. Candy and Scares. Parties and Haunted Houses. Kid's costume parades to gruesome realistic battle damage on your friend's or father's face. The songs are up beat and the stories chilling. You cam move seamlessly from socially amped to creepily alone.

You get the best of both sides of life, the treat and the trick.
It's not very often we celebrate both side by side.

This year I'll be spending the most fun of holidays in Sleepy Hollow. How fitting! The Jack-o-Lanter Blaze and the Headless Horseman walk. Perfect.

I'm gearing up this week with the sweet. I've got the socks, the blankie, the pajama pants, the candy corn and chocolate covered peeps. I'm touching on the scary, with a bit of creepy music, but as I'm still alone until Wednesday, there won't be any scary movies playing in this apartment. Schucks. Aw well, I'll be sure to make up for it.
