Snap- inspiration

I heard recently on NPR that until you are in your early 20's your frontal lobe is not properly attached. There isn't enough of this fatty substance to stimulate the electricity in a quick, adult like manner. What this basically means is that, while you are able to make smart choices and consider how your actions will effect future events and those around you, you do it much, much slower. The process is hindered by the lack of connection.

So, unless the hormonal teen is willing to actually sit down and think about their actions, they simply don't see the consequences. When you ask them why they did the stupid thing- they really don't know. Because afterward, the consequences seem so obvious, they really don't know why they couldn't see it.

I wonder if this hinders students ability to analyze, as well. Analysis seems to be the most difficult thing for them to wrap their brains around, perhaps quite literally.
If they are making analysis's, they don' t realize it. The rest seem generally incapable of even understanding the concept, let alone forming their own opinions on the matter.

The occasional few seem to get it and they have those wonderful "ah ha" moments, but for the most part a B is a way above average grade on such assignments. Last semester I thought it was me doing something wrong, but many other professors have since assured me that this was just the way of it.

It makes me wonder how the 102 prof's aren't ripping their hair out.

But if this is a frontal lobe matter, they really physically can't see it- well they can, but the trick is to get them to spend the time and do it.
Its tricky enough getting them to show up to class and pay attention the whole time. It is too bad you can't simply force inspiration and enlightenment on someone.
