Not Quite the Grasshopper, Not at all the Ant

I was thinking about that story about the Ants and the Grasshopper today. Granted there are some people like the ants and some people are like the Grasshopper, but just liked everything else we're more likely in the Gray.

What about the people who are Grasshoppers but then in the last moment are better than ants. I mean isn't there something to be said for the people that can accomplish so much in such a short time. There's no room for error, so aren't they, in some ways, better?

I guess the problem lies in the fact that they all are not and more often than not you end up with shitty work. Yet- I think all those last-minute buggies think they are better than the ant.

Also, in the cartoon version, the Grasshopper plays music all the time and they pick on him for not doing "real work" but then after they save him, they all have fun listening to his well practiced, well performed music.
I think this is an insult to musicians.
