Health Nuts!

Everyone has gone bananas- and I don't mean in the fun loving let's dance and eat fruit kind of way.

The Health Care bill- whether you are for it or against or just tired of everyone talking about it- probably has your panties in a bunch. I know mine are! They're twisted pretty good. And mostly they are twisted because so many people don't know what is going on- even I don't know Completely what is going on- but at least I am willing to admit it.

Facebook has become a Mind Field of political post/status updates and rambling debates. Sadly, even I have been sucked into a few. I am all for the freedom of speech, but part of me longs for yester-week when I was blissfully unaware of most of my friends political view points. Can you sue me because I'd rather know that they napped through class or have a craving for ice cream? I'd even rather get blasted with Farmville updates. At least those I can pleasantly glance over should I choose to.

And I'd be much more amused to see you found a fictional lost cow than to read that you think the world is ending based on a part of news blip, based on part of a comment, based on a 2500 page bill which, as a good friend of mine put it, "is a really great read if you are suffering from any kind of insomnia," that may or may not be true.

In all seriousness, and getting back on point here, I think we should read it, insomnia or no. At least memorize the table of contents.

The majority of people are in a tizzy because they don't know what it means for them, well here is your chance!
It would also take care of the rest of the tizziers- the portion in a tizzy about things that were removed from the bill months ago- like a public option-, the ones going on about things that were never even in the bill, and the ones gobbling up fear tactics and throwing logic to the wind- disregarding any part of the bill whenever possible.

If people want to get in a tizzy after wards- go for it! Throw some statics, facts, actual quotes in your Catastrophic or World Blessed Future Predictions. Though honestly, if we all had facts, actual quotes, statics I think the predictions would be far less grandiose. Then again, I haven't read my copy yet.

At any rate, save all your crazy bananas for something real, something you can cite with assurance, something you can wrap your fingers around.

What is the excuse not to know?
Knowledge is power. This stuff is public information and in a society that surfs, hec lives off, the "information highway" we shouldn't be so darned disinclined to expose ourselves to a little.

Here's the bill: HEALTH CARE BILL
Free download just for you.

This isn't everything. The house had to pass the senate bill to get it on the desk of the President. There is a separate bill that "fixes" (read changes) some things. So go find it. That's availble online- free as well.

In case you were wondering, the Goverment's spending and budget- another thing people seem to get tizzed off about- is also online.

(I'm not sure what qualifies as a soap box, but if I was on one, I'll happily now step down. )
