
I don't mean to be depressing as of late.
Or maybe I do.
I have to act normal everywhere else. Well, I want to act normal everywhere else.

My attention span has slowly been deteriating through out the week. I made so many wrong turns on the way to work today- a trip I can normally do on autopilot.

At any rate here is a happy tale.

On Saturday, the same day my aunt had her fateful heartattack, my parakeet Grover got sick. She was so weak and cold I was sure it was the end for her. I was crying, thinking this was it. She had survived so much for so long. But then I changed my thinking. I told her that when I got back from class she would better, sitting on her perch almost completely recovered.

And she was.
I left her lying down, barely breathing, eyes shut, clinging to the wall of her cage, and came home to a slightly fluffy (read chilly) parakeet happy to see me home again.
She's been fine since. A little shaky Sunday, but fine.

A strange fluke? Did we some how cheat death that day?
Did that make him angry?
