First impressions

I'm really glad I make my students keep journals. I started this endever to benefit them. However, I get to know them a lot quicker this way. I found out things I never would have known. I get way better feedback than I would from one of those course rating things.

For instance, this one girl seemed so happy, but I found out in her journal she was having a horrible time because she hates English and she doesn't know if she'll even get to go to school this semester because of financial reasons.

I also get a good feel for those that will do their work and those that take it less seriously. I get a feel for what they are interested in, how I can expect them to interact as a class.

I write them comments to. I hope they like that.

One student mentioned that I was the first teacher to ask for their names and then try to use them.

Anyway, you never know what is going on inside someone's head.
