serious road rage

Its the little things to be happy about, but its also the little things that irritate. Among the many little things that made this day irritating, I think the most outrageous was not the entire 4-lane highway having to merge onto the shoulder or my cat being locked in my closet for the better part of the day and destroying a sweater or 4.

No, I think it was when I was on my way home, and behind a guy who was clearly confused about how many lanes there were on the road. First he was in the middle. Then he was on the right. I decided to take that opportunity to pass him. However, at the last minutes he speeds up and swerves in front of me (there was an entrance ramp to the highway coming up, I'm going to assume this person was lost)

But He was not the annoyance. No. I slam on my breaks to avoid hitting him. So the car behind me slams on theirs. Then they honk at me. I point to the guy ahead of me and think that is that.
No. Said man behind me, honks again, pulls up to the lane next to me and then proceeds to honk again. Stopped at a red light, he then scream obscenities at me, literally hanging out his window, while the woman next to him also looks confused and angry. I give them the face of "what?" and "confusion" then I try to ignore him. So he yells about how I shouldn't ignore him. I'm out of inching room to get away from him. He's scary looking. Big sunglasses. Middle aged, shaved head. Scars all over his face. No kidding. I stop looking at him and let him yell, wishing I had my cell phone to call the cops on him, because he's actually scary.

The light changes. He speeds ahead, and cuts 2 lanes of traffic to get into the right hand turn late. I'm sure HE cut someone off. But se la vie.
