Jumping the Gun

So I am the first person to get upset when Santa Claus and Christmas trees are up before Halloween. I was looking for some last minute Christmas presents this holiday and was flabbergasted when I saw a St. Patrick's Day end cap.

What gets me is that people complain about Valentine's day, supposedly because it is a holiday for business and it causes too many complexes because its is "nothing but commercialized."

I am here to point a few things out.
1. ALL holidays have been commercialized.
2. What makes a holiday is how you celebrate it, not what you buy for it.
3. This particular holiday is about love not sex. i.e. ANYONE you care about. Otherwise it would be totally creepy to get a Valentine from my mother.
4. I have always been thankful for my friends on this day, single or taken.
5. Those who claim V-day is bad for diamond workers should attack the jewlry stores and anyone that celebrates a birthday or anniversary because those happen everyday.
6. How can you hate a holiday that increases the amount of Chocolate for sale???

Ok. I'm posting this 2 1/2 weeks early so that its already said and done and I can post something more up lifting that week/day.

I need to say. If you don't want to celebrate it, that's fine, just don't hate me if I decide to. Also, you don't need to spend a lot of money or even go anywhere to celebrate it. Me and Chris usually do nothing. I mean don't weigh your entire relationship on or get pissed if V-day isn't done right either. There's 2 extremes to everything.

Now having said all this. I've already purchased Chris's present. Usually I don't get him anything, but he happened to really want this Cosmic Egg Cd. I really don't care for Wolfmother. Gag me you 80's wannabe's. (Ok they're not THAT horrid, but I need to stand my ground here.) So, clearly this is a gift of love because he will play it and I will have to hear it.

Also, I'm impatient. I'll probably give it to him tonight.
