rambles about teaching

It has been so long since I have posted!

I taught for the first time at college level yesterday. Mostly it was going over the syllabus, but it was still amazing. I spent all day today reading journal entries and answering emails. It only took me 1/2 hour to make the quiz for tomorrow. So I can see were the real time is going to come in at.

I'm excited and I don't have as many people who hate the subject as I thought I would. It is refreshing to see a few that even like writing. ha.

Anyway I'm sure the other profs thought I was nuts cause I was in such a good mood and I 'm also sure that my afternoon class got a more cohesive lecture than my early class. But we'll see how things go tomorrow.

As for tonight I get to be the student. In some ways it is refreshing. But overall I don't think it will be weird shifting from one spot to the other. I didn't tell anyone it was my first time. I just acted like I belonged there and wa-la I belonged there. I'm still trying to work out these kinks with blackboard and such, but it should be an interesting semester nonetheless!
