late-ish night thoughts

I think I need change. I'm getting tired of winter without snow, it is true. I long for warmer days then. I even think of moving to a more tropical climate, never to face such a day again. But I know that at the close of summer, I'll be eager for the coolness of Fall. The onslaught of the Holidays.

Like change I need tasks. If I'm not careful though they buzz around me, until they become fainter and fainter, like long lines of mist seeping away from my body. Things I can't take hold of. Lists help. Lists simplify. A 15 hour project can be simplified down to four three word steps. Or even "finish project." There. Something to check off.

Life changes and the best way to live it is to let it. Control the little things. Control our decisions. Deal with changes as they come.
