frozen lunches

It occurs to me that the people at Superfresh must think I'm A: Really lonely B: Can't cook C: Way to concerned about my weight or D: all of the above.

The issue is I have yet to find an organically sound, yet convenient frozen meal that I enjoy (with the exception of Kashi, which is really good, but that I don't want to eat everyday.) Since I allow about zero time in the morning for preperation for the day (i.e. making a lunch), I find myself at Superfresh once a week with a basket full of Healthy Choice, Smart Ones, and Hot Pockets. Occasionally I throw in some gushers or cereal, but you get the picture.

I can always feel the eyes of the customer behind me staring at my load on the conveyor belt, but the cashieres always seem to understand. .. No one says anything, except once when I loaded up at the Target Greatland because they were having a good sale. She simply pointed out that they must be good, and I told her they were for lunch, and in fact were good, but still felt embarrassed.

I really should start making sandwhiches or buy more sushi or something... but this is unlikely.
