Amusement in Inatimate Travels

"People are going to think you are weird,"Chris observed as we stood in line for Chipolte and I snapped a shot of Flat Stanley waiting in line. Apparently caring around a little paper man and taking pictures of him like he was my friend isn't socially acceptable.

"He's not mine," I pointed. I even pointed to his little cousin's name on the back "Jacob"
"Or people will think you've named him Jacob," Chris said.

If you don't know Flat Stanley is a book about a kid who gets flattened when a message board falls on him. He wants to travel and see the world so him parents mail him places. If you read this book in school (grade school) teachers will give you paper to make your own Flat Stanley, laminate him, and then ask you to send them to someone you know who lives somewhere else. That someone else, (Me and Chris in this particular case) is supposed to take Stanley with them where ever they go and document his visit. It helps kids learn about geography and how other people live.

I have embraced this project. We took Stanley rock climbing with and I made him a harness out of pipe cleaners. I gave him a ride on Roomba, which resulted in an amusing video because the vacuum went unexpectedly under the couch. I took pictures of him in line at Chipolte while the woman behind me laughed. We've planned a special trip down to either D.C. or Monticello this weekend all for the Stanley project. I'm currently having more fun with Jacob's homework than I am with my own. I'm going to make a little journal about Stanley's stay.

I'm also considering making my own Stanley and sending him to friends because I am utterly amused by this sort of thing.

Maybe I'm nostalgic about that time in college when me and Marla stole someone's lawn chair, took pictures of it around town, made a little story book about it, and replaced it back on their dorm patio (with an aditional chair we found on our journey) all in one night.

Or maybe I just need help.
