Headline Stealers

An interesting thing just happened.

We've been getting the Baltimore Sun delivered to our door 7 days a week pretty much since we've moved in. Though truthfully we have read it considerably less. Chris liked the idea of it. Thinking he could read it in the morning or when he got home from work. The truth being that he sleeps in until the last possible minute and when he comes home (having listened to NPR both to and from) he has little interest in sitting down to read the paper.
I don't mind getting it really because I need something to line the bird cage with and I like to read the headlines.

Our neighbors however get the New York Times delivered to their doorstep. I often like to stop when I'm leaving for work in the morning and compare the two. Theirs always seems better or to have the more interesting headline. Of course I am always worried about getting caught reading their paper. Admittedly there isn't anything wrong with it. I don't even pick it up, but I'm concerned they'll come out and find me there staring at it. How embarrassing would that be?

I leave my paper on the doorstep until I come home. Chances are its going straight to the recycling bin anyway. I'm off today since I need to catch a flight to Chicago later so I was taking advantage of my extra morning time to work out. As usual I stepped over my paper on the way out leaving it there.

I just got back. When I turned the corner in the hall I almost couldn't beleive what I saw.
One of my neighbors, the ones from the other side of me, the ones who receive no paper, bent over in front of my door reading my headline.

He straightened up clearly as embarrassed as I always imagine I would be. I couldn't help from smiling and I even offered him the paper and he said no no he just wanted to see the headline. He refused it twice before hurrying on his way down the hall.
Had I been offered the paper I would have refused it as well, but I probably would have been guilted into taking it or felt guilty for not taking it. Maybe he feels just as awkward having publicly turned down something he had been pondering in private. Thinking of it now I probably embarrassed him more by offering it.

I can't help but be thoroughly amused by this.
Had he stayed just a few seconds longer I probably would have confessed that I did it to. People are never as weird as they think they are.
