So ever since I was a child I was fascinated with animals. All types and size. I was also facinated with cats, especially black ones. Horror, of horrors, I was allergic! Doomed to a kittyless house hold - or so I thought.
A series of things happened. My rabbit died. This is very sad. I put all her stuff away last week and broke out crying. A month or so later, we see this cat at Petsmart. Chris who is Mr. Rational when it comes to animals, and very good at saying "no" to them, actually said he we had to walk away. I was able to discern it was because that particular cat. We talked about her and went to the store to look at her. Then there was this climb I couldn't do. Chris thought I could. I tried and failed. He said if I did it I could have a cat. In previous conversations I was explaining how my aunt had once been allergic but now owns two cats. I said his offering this meant he didn't think I could climb it. He said he thought I could. After 8 tries I did. I was exhausted.
Unfortunantly you can't just go and adopt a cat any old time. The shelter people need to be there. This gave me a week. I did lots of research on living with cats and allergies. I also made sure to take my allegra everyday. I was endelessly excited it turns out it IS possible.
This morning we went to petsmart. I've been in a room with her pretty much all day, snuggling and petting her. She is such a sweetheart. And no herendous. I feel fine.
She's not going to be allowed in the bedroom (allergy free room) and I need to purcahse a special allergy air filter that catches micro allergens (cat allergies are actually in the spit, very tiny, and often air born) and I need to remember to take my Allegra everyday or twice a day (which I should be doing anyway.)
To me it is totally worth it. We adore her. We love her, have since we first saw her.
Step 2: Turning Parakeet Cage into Parakeet fort knox and teaching kitty "no." (This of course is possible, and push come to shove, the birds can be moved into the office where we can shut kitty out and I spend most of my time at home anyway. I did my research.)
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