
I was going to post about all the people waiting for the plane and how because of two consecutive phone calls I knew the guy across from me first and last name, why he was traveling, the first and last name of his gf, how serious their relationship was, how he felt about the weather, his living situation... you get the point. When I saw him later my body reacted as though I was seeing someone I knew and for an instant I wanted to say "hi"

Perhaps this is why I wasn't suprised when Joe, a mand I'd rode the shuttle to the airport with, had overheard my phone conversation and offered to show me to the trains.

anyway, besides the last bit I had a whole bit to wirte . Even about the parents puttting their children in the "If your bag doesn't fit in this box its not a carry-on" box and taking pictures.
And this guy doing a cross word and the guy driectly behind me who hadned me my watre bottle when I dropped who I suspect was easedropping just as much as I was.

Anyway I couldn't get the fuctionality on my phone to work, so I've typed this bit now just this wouldn't be an empty post.
